2014年11月18日 星期二

《柯基托斯》Code:Cytus | 多媒體電玩音樂劇場 主題曲


這次很榮幸邀請到《仙劍奇俠傳五》&《BBS鄉民的正義》的主題曲演唱人- 陳依婷 Miogo,擔任我們主題曲的演唱人。

偷偷說:還有神祕合唱人 >> Miogo的妹妹,陳楚宜 (也是我們這次的造型師)的加入,姊妹合體呢~

11/21-23 @松山文創園區 2F 多功能展演廳 【讀取錯誤 請修復… 】

2014年11月16日 星期日




A. 安裝設定

1.進場,請先確定你的手機/行動裝置中是否有 QR Code Reader (QRcode 掃描器)
Android 可以在此下載:http://goo.gl/RFpsRK
App Store可以在此下載:http://goo.gl/HxUNeu


2.進場時,在行動裝置選擇『CODE:CYTUS』連接現場的區域 WIFI


4. 請用QRcode APP 掃瞄

5. 掃瞄完成後,行動裝置頁面會出現"使用教學說明"

6. 閱讀完再點開,行動裝置螢幕上會顯示一顆cytus豆豆,表示安裝完成。

B. 玩樂體驗

1. [演出現場的大螢幕中]  泡泡會從正中間的黑洞往外圍的黃色圈圈飛出來。

2. 當泡泡剛好壓在黃色邊圈上的時候,請按下你手機/行動裝置上的豆豆

4. 演出時,這個畫面會出現在浮空螢幕, 隨著音樂有一堆泡泡會從正中間的黑洞跑出來

5. 螢幕左右兩邊會看到每隊的即時分數。

“6. 勝利隊伍可憑顏色小卡至前台兌換小禮物


2014年11月9日 星期日









From Your Wildest Imagination to Revealing Heaven’s Secret

By Mel Yang, Executive Director of the Quanta Arts Foundation

I have always liked to use computers as the model for deciphering life. I have the bold hypothesize that the soul is not a type of material substance, but a set of logic (programs), and the physical body is the entity that executes this set of logic.

Using this model, it is very easy to assign rational explanations to life, which includes situations such as life after death, the existence of a soul, communicating with spirits, spirit possession, and reincarnation. What’s interesting is that I have discovered that if this model holds true, then all kinds of mysterious and strange questions related to the so-called spirit and physical body can be viewed in the same light as that of problems between software and the computer. They become ordinary and not unusual, without a trace of mystery.

Therefore, is it possible for people to save the programs in their brains after they die, so that they can attain the goal of immortality, or carry out ambitions that were not fulfilled during their lifetime? (For example, it can replace me in continuing to run my musical theater).

I never thought that these young female artists from Divertimento Media, with their rich imaginations, would not only put forward an answer, but also bravely transform this abstract concept into a stage performance. Even more brilliant, is that they have taken the two human cognitive activities of rational logical thinking and emotional responses, and disassembled them to explore the contradictions in operation between the two.

Moreover, using the renowned music rhythm mobile game Cytus as the core for development, they have introduced a video game culture that fuses cognition and preset programming, which captures and engages the audience. I personally have great admiration for such meticulous design.

Although I have yet to see the finished work, based on its penetrating and precise creative concept, I believe that it is already well on its way to success. I am convinced that it will not only be a science fiction show of the wildest imagination, but it may possibly be a pioneering work that reveals heaven’s secret. It is with great anticipation that I look forward to seeing the final production.

2014年11月8日 星期六





《柯基托斯》取材自台灣知名電玩遊戲 Cytus,直接在劇場設定遊戲機制,創造讓觀眾身歷其境的遊戲空間,並延續Cytus故事主軸,演繹女主角亞樂臨終前將遺願託付給執行機器人 Operator 153,發生一連串的故事。面對至親、摯友逝去,任何準備似乎都毫無意義,當象徵死亡的遺願執行機器人Operator 153出現,所有人不捨、無助甚至百般的情緒,碰撞Operator 153所承載亞樂記憶與意志的真情流露,呈現一樣是椎心刺骨般的真實感受。


《柯基托斯》 11/21-11/23 台北松山文創園區多功能展演廳